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Scientific Publications


Laser-Therapie zur Behandlung von Stress-Inkontinenz bei der Frau

Andrzej Kuszka Inkontinenz;37(5):48 0179-9185

Lessons from the Real World: Long-term Efficacy and Safety of Vaginal Erbium Laser (VEL), the Second Generation Thermotherapy for the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause<

Marco Gambacciani, Marco Levancini, Mauro Cervigni

Long-term Effects of vaginal Erbium Laser in the Treatment of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

Gambacciani M, Levancini M, Russo E, Vacca L, Simoncini T, Cervigni M.Climacteric. 2018;1(2):148-152.

Management of Prostatodynia in Younger Patients with Sub-Ablative Erbium:YAG Intraurethral Laser

Adrián Gaspar, Joaquín Silva, Gustavo Silva, Raúl Anchelerguez, Alejandro Prats Jorge Sagaz, Eduardo Rovere, Mauricio Alastra, Fernando Mercado, Juan Pino, Alejandro Jauregui, Marcos Farrugia, Fabricio Villaroel, Jonathan Guareschi, Maximiliano Vega, Emanuel Biasiori, Emanuel Moyano, Antonio La Rosa

Minimal Invasive Laser Treatment for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence

Khalafalla MM, Elbiaa AAM, Abdelazim IA, Hussain MObstet Gynecol Int J 2.2 (2015): 00035

Minimally Invasive Laser Procedure for Early Stages of Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

Fistonic Ivan, Findri-Gustek Stefica, Fistonic Nikola

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