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Fotona Research Presented at the 19th COGI Congress

Around the globe, Fotona is increasingly being recognized as a pioneer in the field of minimally invasive laser gynecology.

Two lectures based on research conducted by Fotona reference physicians Sabina Sencar and Urska Bizjak-Ogrinc were presented for the first time at the COGI congress in Macau. The lectures, titled “Laser Treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence” and “Minimally Invasive, Non-Surgical Treatment for Pelvic Organ Prolapse” drew substantial interest from the highly attentive audience, which was also reflected by the large number of visits to the company’s booth.

Fotona was represented directly at the congress by its own representatives as well as by its distributor from Hong Kong, Soaring International Ltd. and Precision Genomic.

For further information about the COGI event, please click here.